10 Yoga Poses For Beginners

One of the most important things about yoga are poses, and as a beginner, it’s important for you to get familiar with yoga poses. At the Yoga Center Retreat, we’re all about giving our students quality instruction. That’s why we’ve made this helpful guide about yoga poses for beginners! Let’s dive in:

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1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

What it means: 

tada = mountain

What it is: 

Usually all standing poses commence with Tadasana.

What it does:

Tadasana is an active pose that helps improve posture, balance, and calm focus.

2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

What it means: 

utkata = powerful, fierce

What it is: 

Utkatasana is a type of standing pose, which emphasizes a squat position in the legs.

What it does:

Utkatasana builds strength, stamina, and is excellent for conditioning in the legs.

3. Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

What it means: 

(AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog

What it is: 

Adho Mukha Svana is a commonly known standing yoga pose that stretches all parts of the body.

What it does:

Adho Mukha Svana helps remove tension from the spine, strengthens various muscles (like the abdomen and arms), and even helps improve digestion.

4. Upward Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

What it means: 

(OORD-vah MOO-kah shvon-AHS-anna)
urdhva mukha = face upward (urdhva = upward
mukha = face)
svana = dog

What it is: 

Urdhva Mukha Svana is the opposite of Adho Mukha Svana, and is an excellent pose that focuses on upper-body strength, stretching the chest and abdomen as well.

What it does:

Urdhva Mukha Svana is excellent for strengthening the upper body and improving posture.

5. Child’s Pose (Balasana)


What it means: 

bala = child

What it is: 

Balasana is a relaxing pose that can be used in sequences comprised of other yoga poses.

What it does:

Balasana stretches the hips, thighs, and ankles and helps the body and mind enter a restful state.

6. Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

What it means: 

sava = corpse

What it is: 

Shavasana is a yoga pose that is all about complete and total relaxation of the body.

What it does:

Shavasana helps relax the mind and body, relieving stress, anxiety, and fatigue, as well as improving back posture and helping sleep.

7. Easy Pose (Sukhasana)


What it means: 


sukha = Easy

What it is: 

Sukhasana is one of the most famous yoga poses, and is a basic seated yoga posture.

What it does:

Sukhasana is typically utilized for meditation and breathing exercises.

8. Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana I)

What it means: 

Virabhadra = name of a fierce historical warrior

What it is: 

Virabhadra I is a type of lunging yoga pose that acts strongly on the back and legs.

What it does:

Virabhadra I helps bring strength to the legs, hips, and chest, and also gives the arms and legs a nice stretch. It also aids balance and helps the practitioner focus.

9. Tree Pose (Vriksasana)

What it means: 

vrksa = tree

What it is: 

Vriksasana is a widely known balancing yoga pose.

What it does:

Vriksasananot only aids muscle strength in the leg, but also helps with concentration, focus, relaxation, and balance.

10. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

What it means: 

(SET-too BAHN-dah)
setu = dam, dike, or bridge
bandha = lock

What it is:

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a kind of backbend yoga pose, which is excellent for posture.

What it does:

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana impacts the abdomen in a way that helps with digestion and improves metabolism function. It also helps rejuvenate muscles in the legs, and gives the shoulders a nice stretch.


You’ve no completed the list! We hope that this guide of yoga poses will provide you with a more meaningful experience at the Yoga Center Retreat, and we cannot wait to see you flaunt those asanas out on the yoga floor!