reiki at the yoga center retreat

what is reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy medicine that can be translated as “universal life force energy” or “spiritually guided life force energy.” It was founded in the late 1800’s by a Buddhist monk named Dr. Mikao Usui. Through his intensive spiritual practices and search for enlightenment, the gift of Reiki was bestowed upon him after fasting for 21 days. He claims that the Reiki energy and symbols he was energetically attuned to were the keys to enlightenment and higher levels of consciousness.

Reiki is thought of to be a sacred practice where the practitioner serves as a conduit for Divine energies to channel the Reiki healing light through, boosting the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Reiki is both a hands on and hands off form of treatment, where the practitioner works in the energetic field of the recipient and also applies gentle pressure and light touch to various parts of the body to balance one’s energy system.

Reiki is a great tool to add to your wellness toolbox and is used as a complement to western medicine. It works hand-in-hand with the Chakratic system, under the philosophy that as the chakras come online and become balanced, one experiences true peace and well-being. Reiki focuses on stimulating a healing response in 4 key areas of our overall health and wellness, which are:

  • Physical well-being: Boosts circulation, reduces inflammation, boosts the immune system, speeds up recovery, and decreases physical pain.
  • Mental well-being: Reduces stress and anxiety, alleviates symptoms of depression, grief/trauma, and has an uplifting and balancing affect on the mind.
  • Emotional well-being: brings in deep peace and relaxation and allows us to become more heart centered beings. Emotions can get stuck in the body and energetic field, and Reiki is a tool that helps alleviate energetic blockages and helps us move through the pain and discomfort and come back into balance.
  • Spiritual well-being: Reiki helps us reconnect with our innermost selves. It helps us feel more connected with self, others, and all that is. Reiki expands our perspective and deepens our spiritual growth—whatever that means for each person individually.
ohmassage & reiki
Ohmassage & Reiki is a luxurious treat where up to 6 people receive a combination of being stretched, rocked and massaged by the teachers. Soft music and essential oils enhance your experience as well as the soft and nurturing energy of Reiki healing light.
restorative yoga & reiki
Restore and renew you back to balance! You will be treated to hands-on, healing Reiki energy and Thai yoga-infused bodywork during supported poses of a restorative yoga practice.


Cody Cooper and Holly Schramm practicing Reiki
become a certified reiki practitioner
Reiki is a hands on energy healing technique that is easy to learn and provides a step by step framework to develop your healing gifts, sense subtle energy and work with healing guides. You will receive the Reiki  attunements, a certificate and a manual to guide you.