iyengar At the yoga center retreat
what is iyengar yoga?
Founded by B.K.S. Iyengar, one of the foremost yogis in the world, this style emphasizes precision, alignment and the use of props. Students may hold postures for long periods of time and do not progress until they are absolutely physically and mentally prepared.
Iyengar shares many of the same asanas (poses) as Ashtanga and Vinyasa but utilizes props such as blocks, straps and blankets to ensure correct alignment. In addition, props allow beginners and individuals with physical limitations to experience a pose more fully and minimizes the chance of injury for all students.

iyengar Classes
Align and unwind! Props may include blocks, straps, blankets and a folding chair.
4-week intro to iyengar series
Designed specifically for the student new to the Iyengar method of yoga, you will learn about the proper alignment and actions needed to perform basic standing, sitting, balancing, bending, twisting, inverting, and reclining poses—over 50 in all!