avita at the yoga center retreat

what is avita yoga?

Avita Yoga was developed over the past decade by Jeff Bailey at Yoga Loft in Boulder CO. It combines ancient Yogic wisdom with modern physiological knowledge of the body and how it mends itself. While most yoga styles target the muscles, Avita Yoga targets the joints and the nervous system. Like Jeff often says, “When you take care of the bones, everything else takes care of itself.”

Avita is described as “a moving meditation” that uses attainable shapes, held for 2-3 minutes, to bring lasting freedom to the body and mind. While people over age 40 tend to gravitate to it most, it is open to all ages and levels of experience.

Image of Mark Wheat teaching Avita yoga
AVITA YOGA classes
Unite the mind and body in a regular practice that allows us to make the best of both, through their natural union. Specific shapes, mostly on the floor and against the wall, are held for 2-3 minutes. You might not sweat but you will be challenged in a productive way. Open to all ages and levels of yoga experience.
AVITA YOGA workshops
Learn about the primary benefits that Avita can produce, then you’ll experience a class that will reach into your mind and bones like nothing you’ve experienced before.
Mark Wheat, Avita Yoga

As a DJ on MPR’s The Current for 15 years, I was paid to talk about music. With Avita Yoga, I’ve discovered a new passion and am excited to share this life-changing approach to yoga with you.

Avita Yoga was developed by Jeff Bailey at Yoga Loft in Boulder CO. It combines ancient Yogic wisdom with modern physiological knowledge of the body and how it mends itself. While most yoga styles target the muscles, Avita Yoga targets the joints and the nervous system. Like Jeff often says, “When you take care of the bones, everything else takes care of itself.”

Jeff describes Avita as “a moving meditation” that uses attainable shapes, held for 2-3 minutes, to bring lasting freedom to the body and mind. While people over age 40 tend to gravitate to it most, it is open to all ages and levels of experience.

I only seriously starting my yoga journey at the age of 50, with a twice weekly Vinyasa practice and daily meditations. Avita has become the only type of yoga I do, 3-4 times a week if possible. And it has increased the amount of meditation I do substantially.