ashtanga at the yoga center retreat
what is ashtanga yoga?
Ashtanga is a highly structured, set series of sequences that increase in difficulty as you progress. It emphasizes quick movements, flexibility and strength. Founded in India by K. Pattabhi Jois, it is often described as a modern form of classic yoga.
In a classic Ashtanga sequence, you go through the same poses in the same order, for the same breath count, each time you practice. This combination of intense movement and focus makes Ashtanga a “sweaty meditation”, will elevate your practice and is excellent for anyone looking for a fast-paced challenge.

Led Primary Series
For students who have taken Beginning Ashtanga or are comfortable in a Vinyasa Flow class and want a challenge, you will be guided through the traditional Primary Series.
mysore classes
The traditional way to practice Ashtanga, Mysore is practiced silently by each student while receiving individual instruction from the teacher. It is named after Mysore, India where it was taught by Sri K Pattabhi Jois. ALL LEVELS are welcome to come and practice at their own pace. The class has a designated start time but students can arrive on their own as the teacher is not leading the class. The sequence is the same for everyone and the teacher gives each student guidance based on proficiency. You will see advanced students and new students practicing harmoniously next to each other! When you have finished your practice, you are free to leave.
4-week intro to ashtanga Series
This introductory series will cover the essential sequences and fundamental breathing, energetic creation and direction techniques. Some experience with yoga is recommended.